Helping you connect the dots to unlock hidden revenue on Shopify

It’s humbling when we come to a point in our career where we realize that the skills we have that were once deeply specialized are now offered by thousands—if not tens of thousands—of others.

I am a designer and design thinker at heart—and I love the art of design- and code-led problem-solving.

But, in order to have the deepest impact as a soloist, I can no longer deliver the dozens of hours of deep work required to deliver serious implementation.

So, I am excited to continue my journey of redefining Lucid and my role in the work I do.

I am doubling down on something I love and for which I have a uniquely deep perspective—helping Shopify brands better connect the dots across their operations, apps, tech, and marketing stack to focus on genuinely needle-moving improvements.

This also opens me up to better work with and support brands that already have in-house designers and developers, freelancers, and/or agencies, as my work will augment and support bigger-picture growth with little risk of overlap or treading on toes.

It doesn’t mean I won’t continue to keep my tools sharp and support with low-code, rapid implementation of theme setups and optimizations. But, it does mean my focus will be shifting to more full-funnel, data-driven, CRO-focused work led by AB-testing, rapid prototyping, and best-practice apps.

What do you think? Does this resonate? Do you know any founders or brand leaders that could benefit from my approach?